Sorry for delays in getting comic out. I've been in too dark a place mentally to work on it. I'll try to do it soon.
Update: It will be up thursday morning. We found an error in some previous strips and had to do some graphical retcons, causing delays.
Hey all,
Sorry about this, but monday's comic will be delayed by one or two days. I'm simply not feeling well enough mentally this weekend to finish it, and I have some video editing work I have to finish for a non-profit either way.
Siri got a bit ill, and with Easter and clocks changing and stuff we have a slight delay. Comic will be up tuesday 7 AM GMT/UCT (so 9 AM Europe time). Sorry about this, we're still getting used to a new process of making the comic, which is making everything be a lot more work for now.
Excerpt from "The bestiary of The World That Is" by Wizard Ehm-Al.
When I created my lists of creatures to study, it was with some hesitation that I added Faerie Dragons, and who could blame me: if the stories were true, they were a cross between faeries and dragons (with all the obvious implications) and if they weren't, it would be a wild jabberwock chase. Personally, I believed the whole species a fabrication of somebody who misspelled “fiery dragon” and didn't think I'd ever encounter one.
Much could be said on the subject of the Hell's Pixies, although in truth if one removed all the curses the written material would be considerably shorter.
Note, please, that by curses I mean not merely vulgar language: so many malignant spells have been levelled at this group that should all of them have found their mark, the results would be, shall we say, unpleasant? Of course almost none of these curses worked, or at least worked for very long. The clue is in the name, after all: we are dealing with pixies.
Lee M (co-author of NSFW 'Nightshade the Merry Widow' by Ed Kline):
...I'm lying. I can never spot details like that when they're staring me in the face.
Also, where do i buy those candles with the blue flames? That would be amazing for dinner parties!
...I don't think I was imagining it, or was I?
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