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Chasing the Sunset
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#556 - Entrance
Alric says:
Woot! Leaf made it!
Sir Gawain says:
Did he have to use Malv's name?
Sweet! Nice colouring and drama, there.
distantvoices says:
Leaf looks really disgruntled in the fourth panel.
Winterbay says:
Yes, it would have been more impressive had he not had to use someone else's name :)
Mimir says:
At least Leaf has a flair for the dramatic. That certainly is a grand entrance.
-Norbert- says:
Maybe he was just asking something like:
"Malveniucs (Krakatowww) are you there?"^^
Rizzy says:
or rather, "Are you there, Malvenicus?" since if he'd start the sentence with "Malvenicus.." he wouldn't even need to finish it :D
Mkananoja says:
Leaf could have used the furries to open the door of course, but then again there would be no door to open... or walls.
Nebra Reppalk
I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me/
He's just a poor boy from a poor family/
Spare him his life for his monstrosity.
RickR says:
Mkananoja, that brings up the picture of a bunch of fuzzy critters helping Leaf open up the door. (Furries/Furies)
Vinom, the God-King
Dang... leaf on the fourth panel looks hot...
eekee says:
People who are summoning powerful things like lightning frequently do look hot.
eekee says:
I had to laugh when I got to panel 6. It fits what I assumed the moment I saw panel 4. :D
Chariset says:
Easy come, easy go,
Will you let Ayne go?
Nebra Reppalk
Bismillah, NO!
We will not let her go!
Let her go!
Bismillah, NO!
We will not let her go!
Let her go!
Ladyfox7oaks says:
No- no-no no- no no NOOOOO!
Oh Mama Mia let me go! Beeelzebub has a devil put aside for me..
Sitara says:
That servant in the first panel is wearing some really fine clothing.
...everything else I was going to say has already been said above.
Abeo says:
I'm still impressed. Dramatic timing is a skill that does not come easily.
Also, that is a favourite song of mine.
Anakha says:
Yeah, me too. Still: Queen references for the win!
Vorlonagent says:
Is that a reference to The Prisoner?
Anakha says:
Nope, Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen, 1973. Incredible good Song from a very progressive Album (A Night at the Opera).
Tudden says:
HAHA WOOT, good entrance~!
MadMann135 says:
Leaf the master of timing and slipping past the (known) rules.
Katkinkate says:
Sooo, the dragon wasn't the test. Is the test still coming up?
... says:
Delayed effect from last strip?
...: Possibly. Or we didn't hear leaf to say it because he opened the door after that. Doesn't explain missing sound effect in previous strip, of course ...
Bianchi Holsters says:
That's pretty funny. Thanks for sharing.
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Alric says:
Sir Gawain says:
Jen says:
distantvoices says:
Winterbay says:
Mimir says:
-Norbert- says:
"Malveniucs (Krakatowww) are you there?"^^
Rizzy says:
Mkananoja says:
Nebra Reppalk says:
He's just a poor boy from a poor family/
Spare him his life for his monstrosity.
RickR says:
Vinom, the God-King says:
eekee says:
eekee says:
Chariset says:
Will you let Ayne go?
Nebra Reppalk says:
We will not let her go!
Let her go!
Bismillah, NO!
We will not let her go!
Let her go!
Ladyfox7oaks says:
Oh Mama Mia let me go! Beeelzebub has a devil put aside for me..
Sitara says:
...everything else I was going to say has already been said above.
Abeo says:
Also, that is a favourite song of mine.
Anakha says:
Vorlonagent says:
Anakha says:
Tudden says:
MadMann135 says:
Katkinkate says:
... says:
hkmaly says:
Bianchi Holsters says: