Ah. The meager beginnings of a story epic. Or a little comic. This comic was half scanned in mere pencil, while some was inked. Mith drew the nice map.
Becci says:
I'm sure he did. But why do you call the little elf "Leaf"? Dont sound like an elvish name!
Finniga Fanny says:
Because it IS not an elvish name! Nobody knows hes real name!
Becci says:
You'r really grumpy. Ya know that?
... says:
Why Leaf? Because he's going to up and leave. ;-)
Randyman says:
Bleh. Leaf's dad looks like a cute babe.
Narissona says:
Yo, Mithh, Alien. I want you to find my message on strip 343. I hope you find it, It's got a really important message for you...
Bubbles has arrived! Quite late, but nevertheless, he has arrived!
Rendezvous says:
yo bubbles do you like this comic
Shadow Phoenix says:
CtS owns! Humble beginnings, indeed.
spiggy says:
hawkstar says:
hawkstar says:
whoops-sorry...I meant...AMBUSH!!
loki says:
heres loki! i arrived in comic # 375. the latest,ya know...oh-just a reminder, but i'm (or was) bovinesshaltgomoo,the raven,and hawkstar(hawkstar will return)!
Nera says:
Bubbles says:
yes, rendesvous bubbles do like this comic.Yes.
Attacking Pixie says:
Bwahahahahahaaa! Gimme all yer shinies-at itching-dust point...Wait. Itching-dust doesn't HAVE a point...
the lone power says:
coooool coooomiiiiic
Bubbles says:
Uhhh. I don't get what people mean when they say they "arrived at comic like 200-something..I mean doesn't everyone start reading at the first comic? Or is that just me? I dunno, I'm kinda slow 2day.
Alric says:
Ooh colour! Shiny!
hawkstar says:
hi! as loki said, i'm hawkstar and i'm returning!! oh btw, Lone Star is me too. And what does roflmao mean?!
Mithandir says:
Isn't Leaf cute?
Alien says:
Becci says:
Finniga Fanny says:
Becci says:
... says:
Randyman says:
Narissona says:
Mithandir says:
bookbook says:
Bubbles says:
Rendezvous says:
Shadow Phoenix says:
spiggy says:
hawkstar says:
hawkstar says:
loki says:
Nera says:
Bubbles says:
Attacking Pixie says:
the lone power says:
Bubbles says:
Alric says:
hawkstar says:
ick says:
Wawuty Gibit says:
Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:
Dark Dragon says:
KidCat says:
Goldenear777 says:
natalief says:
Either A or B.
Not A or B.
natalief says:
English. A language with dictionaries, thessauri and grammar guide books.
The Lord of First-Ness says:
first? says: