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Chasing the Sunset
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#204 - Just a feeling
OneTimer says:
Hmmm Nostradamus. Thats definetly breaking fourth wall. Five minutes in the penalty box!
fuzzly cat says:
hhhmmm. no comment
webster says:
always trust the feeling
Bubbles says:
sry, it's a serious comic today, i cant say roflslinef.
Shadow Phoenix says:
I can smell the foreboding from here...
You could smell it from China.
booben says:
apple cake!!!!!!!!!(imsorandom
Mogget's Little Sister says:
Ha! though's spelled wrong!
hailstorm says:
leafs eyes look evil in the last panle
Lokitf says:
tho is actually considered acceptable in many situations. Al on the other hand (assuming author meant All) is not
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OneTimer says:
fuzzly cat says:
webster says:
Bubbles says:
Shadow Phoenix says:
Ramani says:
booben says:
Mogget's Little Sister says:
hailstorm says:
Lokitf says: