Fast forward: before the trial
Chasing the Sunset
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Ivellios says:

first go me

Ivellios says:

Ivellios says:

first 3 posts the second post was by acident though myhrad is odd i know a few people who can think while sleeping but they cant force themselves to sleep

Prestedigitonium says:

Hummmm.. is it just me, or did someone get a really bad haircut overnight? Please tell me she had her hair in a bun.

Rhonwyn says:

Do you have a donation button? Perhaps your faithful readers could help Alien get a drawing table. I would gladly donate some money. How much is the table?

Ivellios says:

feiht was busy brinning in piranhas and giving Ayne a haircut without waking her up

Dan says:

I thought it was pretty obvious that she had her hair in a bun. Afterall, if your doing some unknown trial you wouldnt want to risk your hair catching on something now would you?

Leaf and Myhrad look cozy, Id have fallen back to sleep again too.

Daniel says:

Mushrooms *definitely* symbolize death!

LadyPhoenix says:

I know I can force myself to go back to sleep like that. :p Especially if I have someone to snuggle against. :)

Adae says:

And Myhrand sleeps...^_^

Stormdancer says:

Hah! Awwww... Myhrad's so sweet! *luv!*

Definitely a hair-bun. I recognize it. Takes about 20 seconds to do, and definitely saves one's hair from being Trialified.

Beacon says:

"though myhrad is odd i know a few people who can think while sleeping but they cant force themselves to sleep"

I'm assuming you meant they can't force themselves to actually wake up, in which case I'm definitely one of those.

"Afterall, if your doing some unknown trial you wouldnt want to risk your hair catching on something now would you?"

Yeah, with these amazons, I'd be particularly worried about it catching... on fire!

Sesshi says:

I think Ayne looks much older and more mature with her hair in a hairbun. And Myhrad and Leaf look so cute together!!

BenneyChaos says:

aaaahhh, there's an owl in the second panel! I love how the amazons look and all the different shades of blue that they've named.

Tealya says:

Are the markings on the sides of the amazons' faces natural or tatoos?

Bad Feiht! No shiney! I don't think Piranhas are native... though I could be wrong. Either way, bad Feiht!

Mithandir says:

Tealya: You'll find out monday :)

sjon says:

Mushrooms symbolise revival as they seem to sprout up out of dead material.

me says:

How about badgers?


fuzzly cat says:


i am tounge-tied, i have no comment

AnyaStyrzod says:

Wellll....mushrooms are definitely good if you're a hobbit...
Badgers, on the other hand...
And Snakes?? Don't go there.

Bubbles says:

O< thats my sad attempt at making a fish with just letters and numbers *sniff* i wish u could paste images in these comment things.
Does anyone here like Miyizaki movies? Cos i'm hooked. >

Shadow Phoenix says:

There's a blue woodpecker in Panel 3! roof that this is set in a very different world indeed- even the little
details are different. In our world, woodpeckers are pretty much black and white and red.

Shadow Phoenix says:

Grrr... Stupid typos. Should read:
There's a blue woodpecker in Panel 3! Proof that this is set in a very different world indeed- even the little details are different. In our world, woodpeckers are pretty much black and white and red.

Bubbles says:

I'll take that as a NO.

JuneBug says:

What was with the screaming in the last comic?
Was it Feiht causing mischeif?

TheNextTaggerung says:

No no NO no no!
PARSNIPS are death!

hailstorm says:

Yes and PIE means life, silly amizons

Lokitf says:

PIE in all caps like that is an acronym for Proto-Indo-European, a language family.

Lokitf says:

er... not a language family (that's just indo-european) but rather the ancestor language of a lot of other languages

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