i hope i can find one of those blue fire stick thing's they look awsome
OneTwentySix says:
Isn't this an awfully complicated way to go about getting a bow for?
NekoHitori says:
nice job on the last frame. especially on the colouring and the shadows. it's also nifty how the Amazons are all different shades of blue. i can't wait to see how Ayne will look when she becomes one of them.
WooHoo! Thanks, you're the best! I now have a new desktop! Finally replaced the one of the Amazon's eggs. :)
Lee says:
Wowies, I like this comic, gotta keep reading, update soon. Im curious as to how this going to go. Hurrah!!
Sesshi says:
I can't wait to find out what'll happen next... oh the suspense!! But this just proves that Mithy and Alien have done a great job on this comic - Ayne is such a loved character that we feel her anxiety and want to see what'll happen to her! You can tell a comic's good when you find yourself eagerly awaiting the next... Great job, guys! My hat off to you!
Sesshi says:
Mimir says:
Hex says:
Exiciting, cant wait to see more.
FragFrog says:
So evil to keep us waiting..!
Really like the shadowwork and evening sky in the last frame btw!
Tealya says:
LadyPhoenix says:
Rase says:
OneTwentySix says:
NekoHitori says:
Mithandir says:
Wallpaper version of the last frame, all the way at the bottom of the pixie forest.
GoddessOfEmus says:
LadyPhoenix says:
Lee says:
Sesshi says:
ellwonay says:
fuzzly cat says:
Onambarwne says:
Icy says:
Bubbles says:
Lone Star says:
hailstorm says: