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#335 - Fragile colors
Pixie Slayer says:
ha! first comment. No comic to see just yet though.
Qzole says:
hm... that's why I iddn't send comments, what can you comment on a comic which you can't see? :P:P
Other than it's not there, but probably will be.
Anyway, intresting title :)
Pixie Slayer says:
Can't say anything, but do you know how many late nights I've stayed up hoping to get that?
Qzole says:
I don't, it's 8 AM here :P
Pixie Slayer says:
It's 2 AM here. I think the comment usually gets up around three ish, but I've never seen it in this stage of getting up anyway.
Qzole says:
Well I was also suprised, when i was ill and stayed home, so I could watch the new comic coming, and then, I also thought that there may be some problem, becouse I couldn't see the comic (it was with the comic before the previus), but it should be up in any minute
Qzole says:
But one more thing to comment on, is both Lady cynthia and Feith appears in this strip, I wonder if they'll be around the flower, if yes, well then...trouble :)
Up now. Sorry about that, I need to fix the scripts.
Qzole says:
No problem
Wonder where feith got those jewelry and stuff, wait, no I don't want to know it ;P
Qzole says:
uhm feith-->Feiht
Pixie Slayer says:
ohhh... nice dangerous witchy lady... looks like the flower's not the only thing that's fragile right now...
Moonclaw says:
Looks like Feiht has a small pixie-sized fortune. Great strip. I can't wait to see the flower bloom.
JonMW says:
That's got to be the most placid that we've ever seen feiht, (when conscious).
But I wonder... I doubt that there are enough colours for all the different philsophies. Eventually, as more people took increasingly close shades of colours to wear, you would get more and more confusion between groups.
In the end, either total chaos (and the abandonment of the colour system) or complete redistribution. Or something. I have no idea what point I'm trying to make here.
FEIHT! And shinies!!
Don't worry Mith and Alien, I noticed the rest of the strip too. ^^ Very nice job, and only 1 day, 14:59:xx to go until the next strip...
Pumpkin: Yes and no. There\'s more but I don\'t like it much and am stuck.
Empress catriona of the Cat People says:
I get this strange feeling that Feiht's about to bring disaster... Ah, I remember the name of that feeling, it's ANTICIPATION! The pixie is back! Wheee!
Marz says:
Y'know, Feiht seems to be the embodyment of chaos. Whenever she shows up, I can just picture her with the power to cause spontanious combustion....
Well, at least if they're wearing the colors of their philosophies there isn't any doubt where they stand... I suppose.
But what if the weavers or cloth merchants or tailors or dressmakers decide that they will change everyone's opinions to theirs by not offering any color but the one that matches THEIR philosophy? @_@ Could be interesting.
That's a really good point, harpersong. The king picked Leaf's but his daughter picked Ayne's... she was probably kinder in choosing a 'philosophy' for the elf. King probably went 'ooo. Fury red eyes... red is warning... let's put the potentially scary, yet obviously sweet elf in something fiery red!'
by the way, anyone know why we move the 'e' when going from 'fire' to 'fiery'? That's never made sense to me!
LEAF: I suppose we should just be glad she doesn't have the power to make things spontaneously combust.
FEIHT: Oh, but I do. (sets something on fire)
AYNE: (smacks leaf in the head)
Romkira says:
Now would people like me wear patchworked multi-colored clothing on purpose to drive everyone crazy?
Or just go without....
I was just looking at the colors that Leaf and Ayne were wearing, and thinking about the whole philosophy of color. Ayne is wearing green, the color of life. sort of fits, if she isn't in a temper. Leaf is even more interesting. he is wearing red. this is the color of anger, and also the color of the furies. coincidence? i don't think so.
Although, red can also symbolize love, as in a red rose. so can a yellow rose. leaf is wearing red, and has yellow hair. just thought i'd point that out.
Lia Flame says:
to add to my previous comment: feiht is also wearing green, the color of life. hmmm...well, at least green isn't shiny. the funny thing is that, as an amazon, Ayne is part fey, and she's wearing the same color as feiht. hehe
Pixie Slayer says:
Qzole says:
Other than it's not there, but probably will be.
Anyway, intresting title :)
Pixie Slayer says:
Qzole says:
Pixie Slayer says:
Qzole says:
Qzole says:
Mithandir says:
Qzole says:
Wonder where feith got those jewelry and stuff, wait, no I don't want to know it ;P
Qzole says:
Pixie Slayer says:
Moonclaw says:
JonMW says:
But I wonder... I doubt that there are enough colours for all the different philsophies. Eventually, as more people took increasingly close shades of colours to wear, you would get more and more confusion between groups.
In the end, either total chaos (and the abandonment of the colour system) or complete redistribution. Or something. I have no idea what point I'm trying to make here.
Pumpkin says:
Don't worry Mith and Alien, I noticed the rest of the strip too. ^^ Very nice job, and only 1 day, 14:59:xx to go until the next strip...
Pumpkin says:
Is there more?
dragonqueencr says:
dragonqueencr says:
harpersong says:
Pulsy says:
Mithandir says:
Empress catriona of the Cat People says:
Marz says:
Trelweny says:
But what if the weavers or cloth merchants or tailors or dressmakers decide that they will change everyone's opinions to theirs by not offering any color but the one that matches THEIR philosophy? @_@ Could be interesting.
That's a really good point, harpersong. The king picked Leaf's but his daughter picked Ayne's... she was probably kinder in choosing a 'philosophy' for the elf. King probably went 'ooo. Fury red eyes... red is warning... let's put the potentially scary, yet obviously sweet elf in something fiery red!'
by the way, anyone know why we move the 'e' when going from 'fire' to 'fiery'? That's never made sense to me!
Skreyola says:
LEAF: I suppose we should just be glad she doesn't have the power to make things spontaneously combust.
FEIHT: Oh, but I do. (sets something on fire)
AYNE: (smacks leaf in the head)
Romkira says:
Or just go without....
The Werepixie says:
patchwork zombie says:
to where they borrowed feiht awsome story
Lia Flame says:
Although, red can also symbolize love, as in a red rose. so can a yellow rose. leaf is wearing red, and has yellow hair. just thought i'd point that out.
Lia Flame says:
Bubbles says:
Lone Star says:
JuneBug says:
JuneBug says: