<s>Cat</s> Pix-fight!
Chasing the Sunset
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Latest Next First Previous #372 - Cat Pix-fight!

Magister says:

Pixie law... Lol

Magister says:

oh first post too...

Osk says:

in rocr, feiht briefly appears as a guest star, and steals some of abui's jewelry. Though it seems that abui finaly submitted to outside ideas of decency and put on some clothes, did she?

aw, look at the dragon, the elf and the cat asleep.
and tigerkitten doesnt look very pleased at the mentioning of pixie law

Mimir says:

Fight the oppresive Anarchy! Yeah!

Odo says:

Wow! Feiht in full spell-casting mode in panel 5 is just awesome!
Not that the rest of the strip is that far behind. I note that Myrhad is not actually asleep. In panel four he is covering his nose and eyes. I think that he is making sure that Leaf and WhiteKitty are cuddled and safe, all at once.
And the concept of Pixie Law; amazing!
Keep up the good work, at whatever frequency is needed.

Reinder says:

Osk: It's a disguise :)

Doc says:

Lee says:

A disguise as in "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on".

Ajemii says:

one question: how do the pixies remember their laws? im not sure they could even remember them long enough to write down...
..or do they just make them up on the spot?

Ajemii says:

btw, love the comic. great coloring and stuff. i especially like coloring between frames, it looks awesome!
keep up the good work, guys!

eekee says:

mreow ^_^

Arya says:

Err, I hate to say this, but, is Abby naked?! I just love it when Feiht uses magic. It's so cool.I am hoping that a pixie didn't put a sleeping spell and Leaf, Myhrad, and the kitten.
Thanks for sending a new commic, Alien and Mith.

Fiorre says:

Finally new comic, Yaaaaaaaayy!! This sounds like a case for Pixie Law.
Love the detail and color.

Reinder says:

Arya: Abui appears naked in Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan but will not appear naked in Chasing the Sunset. Mith and Alien are such tough negotiators that I just had to consent to having Abui wear her disguise throughout this sequence.

Furia Firelander says:

PIXIE LAW, what, can such thing exist?

hawkstar says:

this kind

Ebeth says:

Pixie law? How does that work? Interested...

Pulsy says:

Wait - so this redheaded pixie named Abui attacks Feiht because in another comic Feiht stole Abui's jewelry? ...
LOL That's hilarious XD!!

By the way, i love how Feihts spellcasting goes right through the borders of the comic, coloring the only thing there was left to color. You guys just keep looking for ways to improve this already incredible art here :D

Ajemii says:

'repressive anarchy'... interesting

Mythical says:

I LOVE the background where Feiht is sommoning her magic.

kouishii says:

pixes are cappable of having laws O.o?
i thought that having laws was against thier verry nature.

MB says:

Heh. Feiht's response to being called a thief reminds me of the Dragonlance Kender. ^^ They quite innocently pick up anything that takes their fancy, but they'll go berserk if anyone accuses them of being thieves. They despise theft. They just borrow, or admire, with the full intention of returning stuff ... then forget all about returning said stuff.

Wanderer says:

When the state of having laws itself becomes a form of chaos... Yeesh.

And having looked at the links ya'll pointed to, I think the redhead looks prettier here. ;)

loki says:

loki has come! very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very late, but i have come.

Midget says:

Pxie Law? They have laws? They remember them? I like the purple and red pretty background behind the panels...Great Comic!!

Midget says:


*Skittles* says:

Yeah, How would they remember? Maybe they forget and remember every time there's a fight.

*Skittles* says:

Leaf and myhrad zzzzzz.... How's Leaf fall asleep? Did he bored or something?

patchwork zombie says:


Furia Firelander says:

Where did feiht steal those stuff, what commic :p

leafriser says:

Pixie Law was made five earlier see frame 7

Ebeth says:

MB-*gasp* The Borrowers! I love the borrowers! You're talking about something completely diff, but that's ok it just reminded me and i had to squee about it. XD

hawkstar says:

hi loki. please go to the start and get filled in on who is who and what's going on.

Sitara says:

Wow. The art just keeps getting better and better. I love the between-frames effect of Feiht's magic.

Pixie Law has to be remembered, or at least stay the same. I bet they reinvent it every 10 seconds. And the only way to fight anarchy is by order and continuity, so the laws will always stay the same. Perfect.

Draginladee says:

I don't think I followed any of that...

Draginladee says:

But then, I never did claim to have a brain, or much of an attention spa-PIXIE MAGIC!

Wildy says:

Even though Reinder already explained it, I would just like to point out you can tell Abui is wearing some kind of shirt-like-thing in the third frame.

Wildy says:

And, though no one wants to hear it, the RoCR page will not come up for me =(

Reinder says:

Wildy, I'm trying to find out what the problem is. Can you tell me at what time you checked the site and found it broken? Please include your timezone.
I wish those crises would wait to show up until after lunchtime >

Reinder says:

Well, it's back.

zanarkrimshot says:

i wanted fheit to relese the amageddon of pixie extravganza

thewatermelon says:

not a bad comic. artwork excells reality.

And now for something completely different;

Ajemii says:


thewatermelon says:


thewatermelon says:

follow the white piggybank.

thewatermelon says:

hawkstar, you subscribe to muse mag!!!

thewatermelon says:

kill cheese and sirloin

thewatermelon says:

im annoying

thewatermelon says:

will you forgive me alien? for no reason? please? i'll give you a button!!!!!!!!!!!

thewatermelon says:

ayne is blurry in the 55th comic.

dragyn says:

Wow, look at all this wasted space...

Magister says:

Let me just take the chance to plug http://www.mopsy.com -- NeverNever, the story of the faeries at war with humanity, and of the humans who just don't notice
All hail the 49th feline cavalry!!!

Bluedragon_012 says:

Awwww... Myrad and lef are sleeping.... I want to cuddel now...... T_T..

thewatermelon says:

i wanna be fighting the pixies! i'll be green!!!!!!!!!!!

thewatermelon says:

ajemii, what is it?

hawkstar says:

thewatermelon,what is the use of all that empty space? this may come as a suprise, but i watch...Star Trek! yes, i watch a nerdy movie from 1969! my birthday is saturday, by the way.

hawkstar says:

oops,sorry.my baka(idiot)brother hit the enter button and i had to bite him to make him let go.

thewatermelon says:

Actually, hawkstar, happy b-day 'cause i won't be here tomorrow!!

Aerinelf says:

Really? My half-birthday was... three days ago. ;D Don't ask. And happy birthday tomorrow. I won't be here either.

Aerinelf says:

Oh... Hawkstar? Would you click on the link in my name? Because I have a Warriors website, and, since you obviously like Warriors... Could ya check it out plz?

glennr55 says:

feight shows up in ROCR The Rite of Serfdom ch 9: the wythllew effect.

glennr55 says:

page 5

thewatermelon says:

sorry i'm here. bad call!

thewatermelon says:


thewatermelon says:


Ajemii says:

happy birthday if it is your birthday whoever you are....

thewatermelon says:

hawkstars bday!!

Ajemii says:

oh ok...

Lightwing k'Sheyna says:

It's been a while since I've been on...
Where is everyone getting the idea that the strange pixie's name is Abui?

glennr55 says:

if u look at the top of this page the mention ROCR which is a comic called Rouges of Clywde Rwan. Feight made a guest appearance in the story I previously posted and theres a lik to it at the top next to DOC which goes straight to the page she's on.

glennr55 says:

sry Clwyde-Rhan

glennr55 says:

Nudity is previlent in a few of the stories. so be warned if u look through more than the linked page.

straberi says:

aaahhh the kittys are so cute

Ajemii says:

tigerkitten looks kinda bored...

glennr55 says:

After hangin around with a pixie and suddenly it starts talkin about rules wouldn't u get bored?

Ajemii says:

good point.

AnyaStyrzod says:

Haha. I am behind on my comic-reading! EEP!

...Draco et Leaf dormiunt! :P

AnyaStyrzod says:

How come nobody cares about last comment? What happened to "last but not least"?!

hawkstar says:

actually, i was turning 9, so i cant join for four years at least if i remember for that long.

AnyaStyrzod says:

Noooo!!!! You've taken my status as LastCommentor!!! *sulks, before realizing she has gained back said status* *for a while*

Sinity says:

hehe takes last comment.

AnyaStyrzod says:


*Skittles* says:

love panel 5

AnyaStyrzod says:

Me too! Last!

Arithon says:

Pixie this ought be good.

elvenfairy says:

guess leaf and Mirad are both bored. lol

Unigirl says:

Love Feihts pose in panel 5.

*Skittles* says:

RAR! *returns with triumph over all inhabitants of (enter random country here)!*

*Skittles* says:

(in other words, last post)

JuneBug says:

Feiht is thieF spelled backwards...
lol, I just got that.

JuneBug says:

"Five seconds earlier."
lol XP

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