Yay update, indeed. Worth the wait, but of course prefer less wait.
I also like the signs, especially the last one. "Something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
Nah, different shade of red :)
But rpetty close, well spotted.
egwene says:
but if he had it wulden't suprise me, it's like , at some point he has to have the same color as before
(if you diden't get thet, it's bekose my logic somins just dond sound to good wen I put it into words :P)
AnyaStyrzod says:
Yay! New comic at last! Nice to be back on schedule...and to see something different! :P
Love the changing banner...and Feiht in robes. Hahaha.
"Do you have contempt for court?" :P
In the last panel, feiht's ears look like intennae. Like the outfit.
Winterbay says:
Did you know that 6x9 = 42 in base 13?
Quoted from the radio show of the HHG2TG:
"Since the last show we have recieved a lot of complaints from listeners that 6x9 is not 42. We knew that.
We have also got a message from a mathematics professor at Oxford stating that 6x9 is in fact 42, in base 13. That we must admit to not knowing."
YAY new comic. does new comic dance. Then relizes she doesnt know what a new comic dance looks like. then dances more anyway.
Sinity says:
the above comment was mine.
AnyaStyrzod says:
Here there be Pixies...
Mossstar says:
YAY!!!!! Funny.
eekee says:
Heee! Feight looks so serious in the barrister's outfit!
AnyaStyrzod says:
Serious Feiht? Isn't that a bit of an oxy-moron?
I like the way you did the dress.. what program are you useing?
Jynx says:
Great play on words going on here... contempt of court...hehehe
Onetwentysix says:
Woo, definately worth the wait!
Mossstar says:
YAY again!
Mossstar says:
Maybe you could update the story so far again? Mith?
Mossstar says:
Wa nobody here... I leave now.
glennr55 says:
This time round he hasn't hammerd any nails in.
Now the dragon has a blanket like hes ready for bed.
I bet with all those kittens it would be pretty comfy.
egwene: No, he's not. There are infinite number of colors. I'm not sure about visible ones, but still there's much more of them that there is comic strips (and I mean on whole internet).
On the other hand, Mithandir can use only around 16 milions of them because of JPEG format limit (and monitors limit).
Well ... I'm nitpicking here but ... the colour limit in computing is actually about 65000 colours. The 16 million figure is reached because all of those colours are available in 256 brightnesses. "bright red" and "dark red" are both the same colour (combination of hue and saturation).
Also, by the letter of the specs, SVGA only has 16 colours (4 bit).
I'll stop being picky now :P
Er ... correction, 92160 colours. 360 hues and 256 saturation levels.
AnyaStyrzod says:
Well...erm...despite the smallness in panel two, I can still kinda tell that it's a slightly different shade...number of colors regardless :P
AnyaStyrzod says:
Okay, nerdity strikes: Taking into account all of that, there are 8,493,465,600 colors, if I did the math right :P
Chevette Girl says:
All these calculations don't take into account any highlihgts you choose to give a particular hair colour... Granted, you can't really see that much unless you're as close as panel 5 or 6...
Sinity says:
wow getting really detailed are we?
Dread wouldn't make a very good carpenter... he even hit a nail into his desk now. (i would give him some poitns for trying really hard though)
It's very strange to see Feiht with grey hair, she looks like her own grandma, even though i suppose pixies don't really have grandmothers...
Never taught a class in my life, luckily. For the students' sake, above all.
How come you think I might? Is your teacher an alien and/or an elf? ;)
ajemii says:
i wish mine were.........school wouldnt be nearly as boring! tho a pixie'd be a neat teacher too...
Mossstar says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
I don't think you'd learn much with a pixie teacher but it would still be awesome!! :)
Sinity says:
pixie teachers would probley teach pretty random stuff if the tought anything at all. Or maybe they would teach some pranksn'stuff. It's just fun to imagine.
ajemii says:
yea... like learning how to remember to forget what you just learned! ....which really doesnt make all that much sense when you think about it... but it WOULD be interesting to learn...
AnyaStyrzod says:
It would be interesting to learn, but in effect that would mean learning to remember to forget that you just learned to remember to forget what you just learned about remembering to forget about...yeah, you get the idea. It would go on forever and would make no sense in practice. In theory it sounds sensical though. And fun :)Needless to say, class would be rather chaotic. But that would be what a pixie would want, right?
ajemii says:
yup. wonder what homework assignments theyd give out?...hmm.....*evil grin*
ajemii says:
wait a sec, where'd the cupboard go?
AnyaStyrzod says:
Homework? Do you think pixies would believe in homework? Seeing as it has the word 'work' in it? Now, if it were called homefun, or something equally pixified, maybe they'd assign it :P
ajemii -- I suspect that the mahogany case is either just off-frame in panel 2, or...
it has been taken off the books. :)
Chrinos says:
On the issue of 42, I always thought that 6x9=42 was in base 10 and accurate. It directly expresses why so little in the universe(practically nothing) makes sense unless taken out of context. What most people think of as putting into context is the equivalent of leaving the crust on your sandwich, when the entire loaf is just as linked.
glennr55 says:
NO it has more to do with just how nutty Douglas Adams could be while being so freakin awesome with how he portrays things that make no sense and yet at the same time could be entirely possible becuase of how he explains it. He is able to make u think about things in a way u wouldn't normally. And he can make jokes about existence and the way we usually see it.
Arya says:
Fieht is a very cute judge. Myrhad has found some neew sleeping buddies. I hat to point this out , but, 6x9=42 is wrong. I am sure you ment to do that. Thanks a bunch for the new strip. Great work.
Arya: Yes, it's intentional. As others have mentioned it's a reference to Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (HHGTTG), where 42 is the answer to "the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything".
Given the answer, people just needed the question and through some experiments they arrive at the question "what do you get when you multiply six by nine". As you noticed, this is 54, not 42, which leads the main characters to conclude "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
That as background info for those who haven't read the books or listened to the radio sereis (the movie does NOT count).
thewatermelon says:
Why the heck did i get on the subject of pixies doing HW????
thewatermelon says:
OH! my teacher is somewhere in europe on vacation right now.
Odo says:
Ivellios says:
Odo says:
I also like the signs, especially the last one. "Something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
Mithandir says:
Frame 1: Dread for president!
Frame 3: Here There Be Pixies
Frame 6: 6x9 = 42
Machiavellian says:
Osk says:
Auryn says:
EdorFaus says:
So hard to not burst out in open laughter... *wipes a tear*
sjon says:
Lee says:
Lythic says:
thewatermelon says:
thewatermelon says:
Mithandir says:
But rpetty close, well spotted.
egwene says:
(if you diden't get thet, it's bekose my logic somins just dond sound to good wen I put it into words :P)
AnyaStyrzod says:
Love the changing banner...and Feiht in robes. Hahaha.
"Do you have contempt for court?" :P
*Skittles* says:
Winterbay says:
Quoted from the radio show of the HHG2TG:
"Since the last show we have recieved a lot of complaints from listeners that 6x9 is not 42. We knew that.
We have also got a message from a mathematics professor at Oxford stating that 6x9 is in fact 42, in base 13. That we must admit to not knowing."
*Skittles* says:
Sinity says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
Mossstar says:
eekee says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
Jynx says:
Onetwentysix says:
Mossstar says:
Mossstar says:
Mossstar says:
glennr55 says:
Now the dragon has a blanket like hes ready for bed.
I bet with all those kittens it would be pretty comfy.
hkmaly says:
On the other hand, Mithandir can use only around 16 milions of them because of JPEG format limit (and monitors limit).
hkmaly says:
Mithandir says:
Also, by the letter of the specs, SVGA only has 16 colours (4 bit).
I'll stop being picky now :P
Mithandir says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
Chevette Girl says:
Sinity says:
(i would give him some poitns for trying really hard though)
It's very strange to see Feiht with grey hair, she looks like her own grandma, even though i suppose pixies don't really have grandmothers...
Draginladee says:
dragonqueencr says:
Jynx says:
dragyn says:
Glad to see you back.
thewatermelon says:
where did you get your nickname?
Hmmmmmm... jdfhnvkasjfhnvlak!!!
thewatermelon says:
Alien says:
How come you think I might? Is your teacher an alien and/or an elf? ;)
ajemii says:
Mossstar says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
Sinity says:
ajemii says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
ajemii says:
ajemii says:
AnyaStyrzod says:
Odo says:
it has been taken off the books. :)
Chrinos says:
glennr55 says:
Arya says:
Mithandir says:
Given the answer, people just needed the question and through some experiments they arrive at the question "what do you get when you multiply six by nine". As you noticed, this is 54, not 42, which leads the main characters to conclude "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
That as background info for those who haven't read the books or listened to the radio sereis (the movie does NOT count).
thewatermelon says:
thewatermelon says:
OOh!! who knows the cyclops riddle??
*Skittles* says:
bookbook says:
and shinyyys of course
Arithon says:
thefieryonionofDOOOM says:
parking tickets would be so much fun
NeoDarklight says: