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Chasing the Sunset
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#93 - Witching
Nova says:
Yay! For once Feiht comes in handy.
Queen Julietaini/Juliette
Feiht is like a magpie...shiny! Cool.
noir says:
Wow nice eyes!
ArcticChicken says:
Villian mistake number one! Don't monologue, just do!
Aerinelf says:
Feiht isn't the only one who like shiny stones. *drools*
Bubbles says:
I dont value gems by their value or hardness, I value them by their taste! YUM!!
Bastet says:
Nice stone! It's huge, too! If I saw a stone like that lying somewhere on the ground (NOT in someone's pocket) I'd take it!
Icy says:
Hope she doesnt know how to use it...
Jynx says:
I see great disaster coming: a pixie with some shiney red rock that can destroy the forest...
Lone Star says:
Statri says:
The eyes are really well done in frame 4. The hag looks a bit younger in frames 3 and 5.
Lone Star says:
Oh, oh...Feiht/thieF has something that can destroy a forest...RUN AWAAAY!!
Thekid-cat says:
hailstorm says:
fieht IS theif backwards very clever ailen
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Nova says:
Queen Julietaini/Juliette says:
noir says:
ArcticChicken says:
Aerinelf says:
Bubbles says:
Bastet says:
Icy says:
Jynx says:
*Skittles* says:
Lone Star says:
Statri says:
Lone Star says:
Thekid-cat says:
hailstorm says: