No doubt you recognize the blue ball on the left here. It's not the World That Is, not Middle Earth or the Heartlands, not Earthsea or any other world of Fantasy. It is Earth, our only home and no less beautiful than any of a million other worlds that it has inspired.
But this beauty is in danger. Like so many of its fantasy alter-egos its very existence is threatened by malevolent forces. Unfortunately, there is no Dark Lord sitting on a throne whose overthrow will save the day, rather the source of the pain inflicted on our earth is in all of us, and how can we defeat ourselves?
Still, because we all have our share of guilt, we also each have the power for change. Each of us can change the world. It may take all of us to save it, but everybody makes a difference.
It's for this reason that I'm proud to say that Chasing the Sunset is produced with 100% Green, renewable energy (Wind and Water, to be exact). The lights we use are Compact fluorescent light bulbs. We try to limit the trash we produce, and it is sorted and as much as possible is recycled. When we use batteries, we use rechargeable ones. We are currently looking at finding high enough quality recycled paper to draw CtS on.
All these are just small measures that you too can take to help our planet survive.
Think about it.
Hopefully the hot water solar panels we have just had installed will start working today :-)
Though if you want a really good paper set to draw on... I seriously suggest hemp paper. It's 100% recyclable.. and a renewable source. XD
Basically, for every person that visits your site, they offset the amount of CO2 used to get that person to your site.
But just for your information: the world is bigger than the US.
Also, none of what I said had anything to do with conspiracy theories, but if you must slander me to assuage your guilty conscience, go ahead.
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