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#125 - bouncy spider
Lee says:
Oops, typo. Should read "hypocrites".
Puddingpie says:
Didn't the witch just say in the last strip that the tree was now dead? So why does Ayne need to kill it?
Bubbles says:
And she also said that it wuz "now dead like me", so shouldnt shebe ded?
CryptoGirl says:
bubbles, do i know you? it's just that bubbles is the nickname of someone i know...
Bubbles says:
I don't think so, but ya never know.
Soleil says:
where's Feiht?
Soleil says:
by the way why's it called "Bouncy Spider"?
Flaming Mono says:
She said,"Though it's now dead, like me it was once strong and great." You didn't see the comma.
Bubbles says:
Shadow Phoenix says:
What's up with the comic name? And the mysterious pixie-eating bag?
hailstorm says:
maby he didnt wanna call it a life 4 a life or somthin sad like that so he thout of bouncy spider
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Lee says:
Puddingpie says:
Bubbles says:
CryptoGirl says:
Bubbles says:
Soleil says:
Soleil says:
Flaming Mono says:
Bubbles says:
Shadow Phoenix says:
hailstorm says: