Myhrad's Maze
An old java game I wrote ages ago. Help Myhrad escape the Maze

The Seven Minute War
In the year 986, pixies assaulted the silver tower of Zhar, home to the wizards of the sacred stone. The battle that ensued between the mages, known for their creativity and quick thinking, and the pixies was short but eventful.
Pixie Trouble
Find out some of the ways pixies have annoyed people in ages past.

Chasing the Sunset SPOREs
Find some Chasing the Sunset Spore creatures and buildings.
Geocaching the Sunset
Help Leaf find his father (or at least a nice sunset).
CtS: the movie
Watch the trailer for the upcoming chasing the sunset movie.
Magic Font
Download the Chasing the Sunset magic font.
I am a survivor living in New York city.
Nothing went the way it was supposed to.
There were 6 billion people on earth when the infection hit.
I am broadcasting on all AM frequencies.
If there is anyone out there..
You are not alone.
"I am a survivor living in New York city." Survivor of what? "Nothing went the way it was supposed to." What was supposed to happen? "There were 6 billion people on earth when the infection hit." What infection? "I am broadcasting on all AM frequencies." Broadcasting what? "If there is anyone out there.. Please. You are not alone" What does the 'Dr. Robert Neville' mean? That's freaky...
[Edited by moderator]
(I love looking at things logically!)
She also appears to be brainless. Usually a good way to make my hitlist.
So much.
ps LOL alex... the pixies stole it lol.... they probaly did
And ..., yes, yes it was.
If that box has no shinies in it either, you may just stay on the one topic long enough to find out what you're talking about. I wish you all my cynical luck.
Btw, the pixies would proly induct you if they found you. Or turn you into an orangutang. One of those.
But theres an equal chance you'll end up as some form of fish. Or ape. Or an idea. Anything, really.
Meh, but put the maze and quiz back! Please? *puppy dog face*
How many "pretty"s do I have to put before please before you put the maze and quiz back?
Pretty? Pretty? Pretty, pretty, please!
Pretty please with 2 cherries on top and whip cream and chocolate sauce?? And anything else you want on it?
That was me in the last post.
I cant find an email link on the site.And yea!!! to the Pixie information. *copying down in Survival book - with plain - non shiney cover. "If you see a Pixie doing .....selective memory...charms....what to do if..."
Emails can be found in the news posts, click the nick underneath that says who posted the item. I see mine doesn't work at the moment, but just use my name and end it like Mith's is. And for Mith, remove the +spam from the mail.
You can also ask us questions on the forums, you can find them via the community button on the top row.
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