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Chasing the Sunset
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#181 - cats are cute
the krud
very random title!
VonTasha says:
The dragon curled up like a cat...
Aerinelf says:
Ohhh... Squished strawberry, by the way.
Windsong says:
It looks a bit like blood...
Flaming Mono says:
I think she means if Ayne wants a bow she'll have to become an amazon...
Do they really think she will turn herself blue for a bow?
Bubbles says:
Who's "Trak?" I mean, maybe I missed something, but..
*Skittles* says:
I like the "yeah. us." in panel 2
Shadow Phoenix says:
Myhrad's motto: When in doubt, nap. When not in doubt, nap.
thewatermelon says:
varga is my music teachers name
Lone Star says:
it is?!
Lone Star says:
Trak is an Amazon,
JuneBug says:
Awwww! Myhrad looks sooooo cute in that last panel!
i now
hailstorm says:
if u think about it myrad is very simalar to a cat, he likes to nap, he is scared of things that he shouldnt be and he has stripes
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the krud says:
VonTasha says:
Aerinelf says:
Windsong says:
Flaming Mono says:
Do they really think she will turn herself blue for a bow?
Bubbles says:
*Skittles* says:
Shadow Phoenix says:
thewatermelon says:
Lone Star says:
Lone Star says:
JuneBug says:
d says:
hailstorm says: