that guy must have a huge bloodly skull judging from the hair
thats soo cool, whats that black-skinned creature though? its nifty lookin
hi i know this has nothin to do wit da pic, but my comp wont let me email u. i jus re-read the cameo page and i actually got the richard kahlan thing before i scrolled down! glad to see someone else knows about wizards first rule here! yay!
Hey Moocow, you guys are not the only ones i have also read the books
agree with pen15
ivy it's a drow or drow elf or dark elf or... i've run out of names but there evil.... we'll most of them
Yes, most drow/dark elves are evil, but not all...(smiles mysteriously)
I like the pebbles on the ground
Nice armor, It's so shiny. Is it Mithral?
I like their bodies, they look very natural, escpecially the drow. When he is sitting like he is, I can clearly see that the other thigh is "fatter" because he is sitting on the knee. Very good!! :D
i think drow are just thot of as evel they arnt realy ;)
Oh, Drow are generally evil. Just like men are thought of as generally good, but have the potential to be evil, drow are generally evil but have the potential to be good. Personally, good Drow annoy me (coughdrizztcough), Drow are my favorite race because they're so evil and live in a society built upon ambition and intrigue.
The background is very good, thou the knights armor looks strange
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