pageartwork223 Chasing the Sunset

Half-dragon Colored

Flora did this nice coloring of Alien\'s sketch.

Added 1969-12-31


FloraAnd I did it with simple MS Pain...
FloraMS Paint... if you didnt get my joke. I call it ms pain because its a pain when its the ONLY art program i had.
KittenNice job with the shading :)
MoonclawOh! Very nice!
FloraYay! People like it. At the time mspaint was all i had so i used it. No i got PSP8 but i have less total control with it for some reason. Pain althought it takes a while is easy to use.
BaileyThat picture is awsome man.She locks so fricken serious!
BaileyAnd another thing is she is a little preety.
BaileyI could not do any better than that.
AryaNo offense, but what is she? Is she an elf? If she was, that could explain the dress, which I like a lot. Please send in some more drawings. You have talent.
SephirothTalent? She's got way mre than that... The expression on her face is great. Keep it up. It's a very exceptional painting. Keep it up.
SephirothTalent? She's got way more than that... The expression on her face is great. Keep it up. It's a very exceptional painting. Keep it up.
Nonamel dont like it because its ugly
Nonameits very very ugly
RoseGood, better than I can to
X-KalThis is very impressive for something that's been done in paint. It's still nice, anyways.


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Chasing the Sunset
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