pageavatars Chasing the Sunset


Avatars for livejournal and forums (and whatever else you want)

You are free to use these avatars for whatever you wish, as long as you don't claim credit for them or try to sell them (they are free after all). All we ask is that if somebody asks where you got them, you point them to us.

Big ones! (200x200 < 30Kb)

Rhyme Pixie ponders Dragons Lava Dragon Pixie Sneaky Dragon Indigestus Ayne at the ready Pixie knight with seahorse Lava dragon Wait! My plan isn't ready yet! Hell's Pixies Dread (Hell Pixie) Dread (Hell's pixie) The Baron (Hell's pixie) Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Pixie anxious Dread Fuzzymuzzy Feiht ANGRY Score Myhrad lying down Pixie Plan Ayne GIMME Malvenicus Leaf Furies Titan Ayne Panel 5

For Livejournal (100x100 pixels, < 26 Kb)

Rhyme Pixie ponders Dragons Lava Dragon Pixie Sneaky Dragon Indigestus Ayne at the ready Pixie knight with seahorse Lava dragon Wait! My plan isn't ready yet! Hell's Pixies Dread (Hell Pixie) Dread (Hell's pixie) The Baron (Hell's pixie) Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Pixie anxious Dread Fuzzymuzzy Feiht ANGRY Score Myhrad lying down Pixie Plan Ayne GIMME Malvenicus Leaf Furies Titan Ayne Panel 5 dragon hugglesDrageling hatchingmyhrad hatching and yawningbaby dragon huggles!Leaf and papa-elfdragon hit by lightningkitten cleaninganother dragon hugcaptured pixiescared elvesduhexcited pixiecrazy feihtangry leaffury leafscreeechstealing pixiepixie inner voicesdragon with butterflyKitten poised to jumpPlayful kittenconcerned AyneAngry AyneLeaf and MyhradPixie with axe!Pixie with scissors!Unicorn and lade Morgane Le FayFeiht with big rubyI am a lion - Gryphon/gryphletFuriesFuriesCry havoc! Feiht is loosePixie swingPixie counting

For phpBB2 and other forums (80x80 pixels, < 6 Kb)

Rhyme Pixie ponders Dragons Lava Dragon Pixie Sneaky Dragon Indigestus Ayne at the ready Pixie knight with seahorse Lava dragon Wait! My plan isn't ready yet! Hell's Pixies Dread (Hell Pixie) Dread (Hell's pixie) The Baron (Hell's pixie) Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Hell's Pixies Pixie anxious Dread Fuzzymuzzy Feiht ANGRY Score Myhrad lying down Pixie Plan Ayne GIMME Malvenicus Leaf Furies Titan Ayne Panel 5


*Skittles*Cute! These work a LOT better than using regular pictures or making my own.
weirdoI can't see them!
Kuyselle GoldwordHeh! Okay, this made me want to instantly go back and reread the Pixie Trial and the thing with the dragons again., creative xD
RocksMapsandCraftsWho's the oceanic guy with the crown and staff? I know I read the whole archives but I don't remember him - I better go back and re-read. Did I mention I wish there was a book? I'd love to have one!
hkmalyRocksMapsandCrafts: Comics #438 ....


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Chasing the Sunset
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