Goodness Gracious Geb
Chasing the Sunset
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Latest Next First Previous #461 - Goodness Gracious Geb

Odo says:

Aww -- I was looking forward to a long story...

Odo says:

Yay first, but I do wonder how to convey the meaning of avatar in one-syllable grunts. :)

Osk says:

heh, great. I wonder why they let leaf keep his posessions. i know dwarfs value things like who owns what, but i didnt think that would extend to prisoners

ailruby says:

Geb looks like if he moves a inch he will turn those bars into scrap metal.

Lee says:

Grunt, grunt, grunt grunt grunt; grunt-grunt, grunt grunt grunt, grrrunt, grunt. Grunt grunt?

Karacan says:

Wait... revolution?

Jeremiah says:

Well, if they want a revolution, with Feiht and Soak in their city they're bound to have one. Leaf will help, even if he "tries no to".

Dark Dragon says:

you'd think that the unintelligent trolls sound like they're constipated if they're grunting all the time...poor Geb...

Momloocadral says:

Two blondes were going to Disneyland when they came to a fork in the road. The sign read: "Disneyland Left."
So they went home.

Nebra Reppalk says:

Sounds like we have a band of religious revolutionaries added to the mix. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

lylia123 says:

I feel sorry for your "namesake" Nebra. He's got a lot to deal with if there's a revolution coming, too.

Chariset says:

*sings* You say you want a revolutio-o-on, weeellll, you know, we all want to change the world...

BurnedMuffins says:

You say you want a revolutio-o-on we-e-ell you know
We don't wanna change the wo-o-orld

Nebra Reppalk says:

You're forgetting, these are religious revolutionaries, the most dangerous kind. They are absolutely convinced the earth god is on their side and will not give up. Additionally, if they were to succeed there is a great probability that they would establish a theocracy.

Sorry, theocracy is my least favorite form of government.

bryte says:

are you kidding me religion unites people and put motivation into armies it can also be used as a powerful governing platform however with this comes side efects including preists becoming too powerfull until the replaces goverment wich leads to monarchy

Ladyfox7oaks says:

Bryte, Please tell me you are being just a wee bit sarcastic.. religious wars have spilled more blood than any other reason in history, and where you have more than one religion vying for supremacy? You get things like the Middle East and the "Ethnic Cleansing" and the slaughterhouses. PLease tell me I'm taking you far too seriously and you were being sarcastic!

hkmaly says:

Osk: I suppose it has something to do with the magic of their prison system. Remember, no dwarf needed to touch Leaf or his stuff yet. Of course that doesn't make it a good idea ...

hkmaly says:

Ladyfox7oaks: You know, puting motivation into armies is not good quality if you want to have low deathcount afterwards ...

Dark Dragon says:

i agree with Ladyfox7oaks... mixing religion and politics are a bad idea...I make the motion who want to mix the two can go find another comment board. Also, I make the motion that no one is allowed to start any kind of genocide because of what is said here.

Mithandir says:

Hey all.
Just going to pre-empt some things a bit here with a small spoiler: while you cannot tell from today's comic, the revolution that's mentioned has no religious reasons.
Also please keep in mind that gods in The World That Is can be scientifically proven (and are at any rate of similar power level as ancient dragons and greater Fey) and that therefore religion is a whole different phenomenon than it is in our world.

Nebra Reppalk says:

Okay, that's a relief. Regular revolutionaries usually have a point which is an important part of the political process. It's important to keep ideas flowing. I can't make a decision on these revolutionaries because I haven't heard their agenda, which couled be perfectly legitimate. It's revolutionaries that revolt simply to revolt that are highly problematic.

KMZ says:

what's the crate say? I know its upside down, but I can't translate...

Lee says:

I think the fork in the road joke works better with bear hunters. "Bear left", geddit?

InBetween says:

KMZ: I'm pretty sure it says "this side up" or something like that...

InBetween says:

And thats the reason why you should neaver, ever, infiltrate a stronghold by post, unless you are prepared to spend hours standing on your head, witch sounds kinda painful to me if you are a 4 ton troll.

KMZ says:

ok, using junicode, I can translate the word to "Skrjupr", which s no word I ever heard of, bua apparently it means "fragile,frail" in germanic ( base of the norwegian word skrøpelig?)and is still used in some parts of sweden. Phew!

Alien says:

Much impressed. Indeed.

Nebra Reppalk says:

Yeah...I take Japanese...sorry I can't help.

Jynx says:

Alien: you know old Germanic languages? (AKA: that's so cool!)

Osk says:

wel, at least geb has proven that even a smart troll can be stupid

Chariset says:

I'm still wondering... is that a tree-like growth on his nose, or is is a real tree that somehow took root there?

InBetween says:

Could be that geb is saving it as emergency's rations...

Chariset says:

Another vegetarian monster? Aren't there any properly carnivorous creatures in this comic?

Nebra Reppalk says:

Well, there were those dragons back in the passes. They seemed pretty carnivorous.

Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:

The word "avatar" in one-syllable grunts... hmm...
well, i can define it in elvish: "bos urei krev bos kani urei toum, nasi par ka retiri ni bos urei."

InBetween says:

Well, he did use to eat meat to old fashion troll way, but Myriad convinced him to join the green side...

Yaten says:

Is that a little mouse napping on Leaf's blankey?

lylia123 says:

It looks like a squirrel...

Nebra Reppalk says:

Could be a dormouse...

Tonic says:

Well they say a picture's wortha thousand words, so with three frames that makes it 3000 words longer then the text indicates.

Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:

whatever it is, it's a really cute dormouse.

Einar says:

What's skrjupr (written in runes on the box containing Geb) mean?

Einar says:

Ah! So Geb's in as box labelled "Fragile" =P

Chariset says:

Well, you wouldn't want to stage a revolution, only to discover that your avatar got broken in transit, would you?

Neko says:

How could they fit Geb into such a small cell? You can see, his feet have to go up to his face! It would be better to break out a wall so he could go in two cells. Much more comfy!^_^

JuneBug says:

Geb looks rather cramped, doesn't he.

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