Aww... But he would be great as an evil overlord. "whoops, i accidentally destroyed your village... Ehh, sorry?".
Sitara says:
It could be that these dwarves just don't trust any magic? I couldn't blame them, considering the various titans and dragons and trolls all threatening the mechanical things they've built.
Leaf isn't evil -- we know that. It's the Furies who are, if not evil, at least very chaotic.
I love the picture of Feiht crouched in front of the bars that are further apart than her height. Obviously the restraints are not just physical.
Myrhad just looks bored, and who can blame him?
Another wonderful set of illustrations. Thank you.
Faticia says:
I love your details! The mouse in panel five is a very nice touch!
Nebra Reppalk says:
Well, I'd ask what about Detect Evil spells from D&D, but D&D is unfortunately a world of moral absolutes. There is good, there is evil, and it's very black and white. I mean, yes, they gave neutral a place, but it's still too black and white.
hmmm... if geb is a god, why can't he make the cell walls go boom? do they have anti-go-boom thingies in the jail? or anti-Feiht-dust? feiht SHOULD have her own dust, she's that bad...
Neko kat says:
Umm, can anyone explain this comic to me? I don't get it really...
Neko kat says:
Oh yeah, and couldn't Feiht make big boom? I mean, that way they could get out! C'mon Feiht! Make big boom!
Osk says:
i think shes too caught up feeling sorry for herself, being imprissoned and all, to think about just walking out
bryte says:
i'm slightly disspointed in lack of a role for feiht in the latest comics although the dramatic moments are good like when leaf is controled by furies i still prefer the comedy portion of this comic whichwhy feiht needs to do somthing maby shiny keys
Osk says:
and myrhad goes to sleep again... and i have the feeling that feith will do something more interesting than listening to a troll soon. Though geb has to finish his story first :p
Tonic says:
Well if they built a device to detect evil/dangerous magic, they probably build the prison in mind of containing said power. But won''t Fieht die from being too bored and Leaf go insane from not being around nature? And maybe Geb turn into a pumpkin without metaphysics texts?
i think feiht is getting an idea... ideas take time... and you don't want to know what feiht could do with an elf, a mouse, a sleeping dragon, and a god with a tree on his nose.
Chariset says:
I think the only way to keep a pixie imprisoned is to make imprisonment verrrrry interesting
Pulsy says:
I think that as long as Feiht believes she's imprisonned, she is. She will probably be inthere untill someone either points out she can fly in between the bars, or she gets distracted, forgets she's imprisonned, and simply flies out of the place.
Coyote says:
Obviously, the dwarves consider anyone that's not a dwarf to be evil...
Alex says:
Hmm...maybe they've got a criteria for 'evil' magic... like "able to annihilate every dwarf within". That'd explain why Myrhad, Geb, Leaf (Furies) and the pixies got caught, but Ayne was left out, despite a most likely magical crystal.
InBetween says:
Oh, i had almost forgot about the crystals magic. Still, it's not very strong magic. It's more like a cellphone/baby watcher spell...
Aileen-Heather says:
Kickme - I think the more important thing to look at here, is not that "Leaf may not be evil" but more that when he was doubting himself he was told that it Can't detect Evil, meaning, his doubts are meaningless, regarding himself, because of the gate.
As to Geb not making things go boom, go read back on him some, He was trying to reason with the trolls, and do some good, not make things worse.. and if hes underground and things go boom, above ground would probably come crashing down.
Tonic says:
Can magic even be inheriently evil? Was Hitler's staff car evil? And I think it's more accurate to say that Fieht's power is based on what she believes not that she an do anything she belives. Could she make a rock so big even she couldn't more it? Violate free will? Raise the dead? make a triangle with four sides?
Nebra Reppalk says:
Good and evil is a muddied issue. Philosophers have been playing with it for years and still don't have an answer. I don't think well-meaning people like Geb, Leaf, Myhrad, and Feiht are evil. Feiht's incredibly chaotic, but that's her being a pixie. I'm fairly sure this will all be straightened out in the long run.
hmmm.... it would be fuuuuuuun to see what feiht could do... like how about whenever anybody touches a hamburger it turnes into a silver cow and after two seconds bursts into flames? wouldn't that be fun?
Osk says:
well, you know about the apocolipse... the pixies started it, got distracted, then the whole thing was canceled
Neuefruhling says:
Silver cows are shiny, and shiny things disappear when around pixies.
Also, wouldn't the chaotic nature of a pixies always classified them dangerous?
God Bless Heath Ledger who past away recently in NY! Was an outstanding actor!
I wash shocked to hear this news!! Does any one knows whom I am talking about?
i was crying a hole day
Nebra Reppalk says:
I'm afraid there's going to be a breach in security shortly. You can always count on security breaches when you put main characters in your prisons. I hope that cell block isn't destroyed too much, construction isn't cheap you know...
Tonic says:
They may be main characters but dwarfs have scottish accents. SCOTTISH! They're not getting out by breaking the prison, they're getting out because they're let out or leaf tricks the guard. Or the relutionaires bust them out.
um... okay, looks like people want some more pixie ideas, so here goes:
1. Whenever anyone picks a flower, the next 10 things they touch turn into amethyst!
2. Whenever anyone eats a hamburger, everyone they touch after that turns blue with green stripes, and if they try not to touch anybody, everything they think about turns yellow with ultraviolet polka-dots!
3. Wouldn't shoes be SO much more interesting if they were made of knotted electric eels?
4. Actually, ALL cloth should be made of knotted electric eels. (Living, of course. We don't want to be cruel!)
5. Every time someone says the word "dragon" a clone of them appears next to them!
Nebra Reppalk says:
You realize you've opened up Dexter's Corollary to Murphy's Law, yes?
Tonic: The rock ? No problem: She already made Axe so big she can't hold it. Raising deads is trivial. Triangle with four sides is imposible by definition, but triangle with all three angles right ? No problem.
... says:
Remember, if someone asks if you're a god, say yes!
kickme says:
kickme says:
InBetween says:
Sitara says: that dwarven guard asleep sitting up?
hkmaly says:
Odo says:
I love the picture of Feiht crouched in front of the bars that are further apart than her height. Obviously the restraints are not just physical.
Myrhad just looks bored, and who can blame him?
Another wonderful set of illustrations. Thank you.
Faticia says:
Nebra Reppalk says:
Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:
Neko kat says:
Neko kat says:
Osk says:
bryte says:
Osk says:
Tonic says:
hkmaly says:
Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:
Chariset says:
Pulsy says:
Coyote says:
Alex says:
InBetween says:
Aileen-Heather says:
As to Geb not making things go boom, go read back on him some, He was trying to reason with the trolls, and do some good, not make things worse.. and if hes underground and things go boom, above ground would probably come crashing down.
Tonic says:
Nebra Reppalk says:
Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:
Osk says:
Neuefruhling says:
Also, wouldn't the chaotic nature of a pixies always classified them dangerous?
Chariset says:
Sitara says:
inexuasse says:
I wash shocked to hear this news!! Does any one knows whom I am talking about?
i was crying a hole day
Nebra Reppalk says:
Tonic says:
Narian Goldword (formerly bookbook) says:
1. Whenever anyone picks a flower, the next 10 things they touch turn into amethyst!
2. Whenever anyone eats a hamburger, everyone they touch after that turns blue with green stripes, and if they try not to touch anybody, everything they think about turns yellow with ultraviolet polka-dots!
3. Wouldn't shoes be SO much more interesting if they were made of knotted electric eels?
4. Actually, ALL cloth should be made of knotted electric eels. (Living, of course. We don't want to be cruel!)
5. Every time someone says the word "dragon" a clone of them appears next to them!
Nebra Reppalk says:
hkmaly says:
... says:
thefieryonionofDOOOM says: