Chasing the Sunset News
Chasing the Sunset News Archive
4:06 MST
Sorry for delays in getting comic out. I've been in too dark a place mentally to work on it. I'll try to do it soon.
11:11 MST
Update: It will be up thursday morning. We found an error in some previous strips and had to do some graphical retcons, causing delays.
Hey all,
Sorry about this, but monday's comic will be delayed by one or two days. I'm simply not feeling well enough mentally this weekend to finish it, and I have some video editing work I have to finish for a non-profit either way.
13:00 MST
Siri got a bit ill, and with Easter and clocks changing and stuff we have a slight delay. Comic will be up tuesday 7 AM GMT/UCT (so 9 AM Europe time). Sorry about this, we're still getting used to a new process of making the comic, which is making everything be a lot more work for now.
2:47 MST
Hey all,
I'm currently pondering refreshing the site design, because the current design is from 2006 (with an update in 2009) and a fair few things have changed in the meantime.
Back then, there were no tablets, so the site doesn't really support those. Features like the magnifying glass and the "appearing in this strip" thingy currently don't work at all on tablets.
To help us out, please let us know how you read our site:
10:40 MST
Hey all,
Now that the Dragon Tea Party has finished, I've moved it out of the main archives and into a separate section of its own. You can get there by clicking the archives button at the top (the weird map kinda thing) and then going to the right chapter. Or just follow this link.
On that page you can also find a set of high resolution PDF files in both dutch as english for those who want to print their own version of the story.
1:29 MST
Today Chasing the Sunset officially resumes!
We decided to jump straight back into the main story instead of doing a short side story as originally planned, mainly because I remembered what I had planned for the main story a lot better than I did for the side story.
I hope you enjoyed our little children's story. I'll be putting up PDF files with the high resolution versions in dutch and english soon (maybe norwegian later).
0:00 MST
Starting today, we'll be running a children's story on our site, as a warm-up to resuming Chasing the Sunset.
The Dragon Tea Party is a story I wrote for our son Rune's 5th birthday (which was a bit over a week ago).
Some background: here in Belgium it is traditional for kids to give out something to their classmates on their birthday (that is: the kid having the birthday does the giving). Usually candy is given out, but the school and many parents don't like that much, so instead I wrote a children's story and Alien illustrated it, and then we had it printed for Rune to hand out to his classmates.
Before putting him to bed that day, we asked him what had been the best part of the birthday. His answer: giving the gifts to his classmates. :)
You'll be able to read an english translation of this story (the original was in dutch) over the next six weeks. After it is done, we will put up links to pdf versions in English, Dutch and Norwegian.
Keep in mind that this was written for four-to-five year olds, so it's a bit of a younger target audience than our normal comic. Still, I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm sure some of our readers are parents themselves.
I'd put up a picture of the books as they came from the printer, but don't want to give spoilers, so instead here's a picture of Rune's birthday party instead:
1:21 MST
Hey all,
Some of this news post is a bit mushy, scroll down for a TL;DR; if you don't want to read the context to our very long hiatus.
Mithandir here.
It's been a very long time since we've made any updates, and I know some of you have been worried about us. I'm very sorry. I tumbled into a rather deep depression for a prolonged time and am only now getting out of it. That depression killed off my creativity making it impossible to work on comic. Over time it became painful to even think about comic let alone visit the site, because it was yet more proof of my continuing failure.
I have kept my depression pretty secret, even from friends and family (if you are one of those and finding out only now, I'm sorry. I never had the strength to admit problems or seek help), which is one reason I didn't even post any news updates.
I'm slowly getting out of things. For Rune's fifth birthday I finally created something again: I wrote a story for him, which Alien illustrated and I coloured. It was something I had been planning to do for years, and in fact started writing for his fourth birthday, but due to the depression couldn't finish then. However this year I got it done, and I will try to use this accomplishment to restart my other creative projects, including comic.
Over the next 6 weeks we will be publishing a translated version of that story here, at a rate of two pages/week (monday and friday).
We'll be using those 6 weeks to create a buffer for a Chasing the Sunset short story we started during out hiatus about Leaf teaching Myhrad to fly properly.
After that ... we hope to resume the main Chasing the Sunset storyline.
Oh and a bit of housekeeping: commenting now requires recaptcha and we've cleaned out a lot of spam from our archives. It's possible we deleted some existing comments and that some spam remains. It was a bit of a mess.
--- TL;DR; ---
- 6 Weeks of an illustrated story we made for Rune's fifth birthday, Starting monday and running mon/fri
- After that, short story CtS comic
- After that, CtS main storyline resumes
Mithandir out
12:33 MST
Rune suddenly got quite sick yesterday, with 39.6°C fevers (103.3°F) even after anti-fever medication and a lot of pain to one of his ears. We suspect the poor little boy has an ear infection but doctor will be able to tell for sure tomorrow. Either way, it means comic is delayed a bit, sorry.
1:30 MST
Hey all,
Tomorrow (saturday), Alien, Rune and I will be at the Elf Fantasy Fair in Arcen.
Monday ... we should have a new comic up (I say should, because Rune was a bit ill today).
Update: Will be monday afternoon, with taking Rune to school, it's tricky to do updates in the morning.
0:56 MST
This morning, this happened for the first time:
Now that he's going to school, we should have time to resume comic again.
4:07 MST
Hey all,
This is a bit of a personal message, so if you just want to know why there's been so many delays of late without reading any of that: it's because of personal reasons. CtS will keep going, it's just going a bit more slowly.
I've avoided making post like this because, well, I can't see why people would care about me (you're all here for the comic after all). Some people in the past have said they would like to know how we're doing so here goes ...
I'm not doing too well.
Physically I'm okay (I think), but I'm depressed. This is not easy for me to admit ... normally I use lighter words like 'a bit down', but, well ... I've been going to bed at 8 in the evening just because I couldn't be bothered to do anything else. I've withdrawn from most forums, chatgroups and whatever I was in. I've been sitting around not doing anything, barely even thinking. It's not fun.
I'm not looking for sympathy (but thanks for those who feel it), as I said: I just wanted to let you know. I'll get over it, I have before in the past. It'll just take time. Until I'm over it, however, CtS will suffer delays. The scripts have been written, but I still have to do the shading and some of the colouring and ... it takes happiness to work on Chasing the Sunset. A bit like how it takes a happy thought to fly in peter pan.
So bear with us... we're working on it... the strips will come (and so will other things that we have promised).
That's it. I'm sorry.
P.S.: If you're one of my few "real-life" friends, and you find out how I've been this way ... I'm sorry, it's not easy for me to admit to weakness.
P.P.S.: Alien prolly needs a hug, too
P.P.P.S.: Yes, Rune is still cute. He's a bit sick right now but that just means he gets to fall asleep in my arms on the sofa.
12:15 MST
Hey all,
We've been missing friday's updates of late (and this week is no different) due to a combination of things:
- Rune has stopped taking afternoon naps, leaving Alien much less time to draw
- My day job is very busy currently.
- We've had to repair that ceiling.
So yeah ... busy busy. I haven't even had time to send out emails for the prizes from the anniversary contests yet and those have been well over a month! We've been *that* busy.
However, we've still been updating once a week and we're hoping to return to twice a week next week.
Oh, and we got Alien a Cintiq, so she's going to have to get used to that too.
14:06 MST
I'm afraid friday's comic will be a bit delayed because well ...
That is our living room.
On the bright side, when we went to fetch rune from his room so we could take him to grandma while we fixed things, we found he'd escaped his bed and curled up to sleep ...
in the drawer of his closet.
13:38 MST
Wow, it's been a busy week. Apart from the anniversary, I've had a very busy week at work which is why I haven't been saying much. However, now it's time to look at the contests and who won!
4 People managed to score 100% on the quiz, of which two left their mail and email. Congratulations to Bryan and Rhys for scoring the full 100%!
Another 11 got 98%, of which two's only "mistake" was saying that they liked Myhrad's purple spider pattern. We'll be counting these as the full 100% as well :) of course there will be a little prize for everybody who got over 90%, so if you got more than that and you put in your email address, then we'll be contacting you with your prize later this week.
Secret Code
The secret code was:
"Don't give up your dreams."
8 people managed to find that, of these Sasharowan and Terrec were closest on the additional question. If you're not one of those 8, here's how it worked:
On the 5 strips, there were codes hidden in the margin like this :
This translated to:
Comic number 430, panel 3, 6th word said by Myhrad.
Once again, we'll be contacting the winners this week with their prizes later this week.
In the end we only got two submissions for our fanart contest, however, they were both very awesome. Technically, our friend Muninn from Spindrift won, but I think both are winners and both will get prizes!
Other stuff
In the end we didn't reach our visitor target of 1 for every day we've been up, but we got pretty close and (barely) broke our previous record for visitors, so yay for that :)
Thank you all for celebrating our anniversary with us, I will continue to try to make this year of Chasing the Sunset the best yet.
Oh, and here's Rune helping Alien draw monday's strip:
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