Beautiful fight scene and I love the way it is laid out like a path.
And while one should not throw dwarfs as a general rule, using one as a projectile weapon seems like the best way to do it.
Woulv says:
Sitara says:
I like the layout. Who warned all the other dwarves?
EdorFaus says:
Sitara: probably the sounds of the fighting.
Really well done fight scene - and good way of showing that just because Ayne has a sword, doesn't mean she's very good with it when faced with capable opponents.
Oh, and nice touch with the flower on top of the layout. :)
Pulsar says:
Watch out for Ayne's special move: the Midget Toss!
Lee says:
"Nobody tosses a dwarf!"
Issaquena says:
Ayne does ^^
Elystriana says:
Woot! Heh, the dwarf took her sword, now she gets to use a dwarf as a weapon! Lol, dwarves make great projectiles.
Nice layout, love the little flower!
Sabreur says:
Dang, Lee got to say it first! Very nice. I like the unusual layout, it really conveys the chaos of a brawl.
Dark Dragon says:
Somehow, I don't think the dwarf will appreciate Ayne's stunning tactical manuever... =) I like Ayne's expression in panel 2 ( What the...?)
Nebra Reppalk says:
Actually, I think a battle down a hallway is a -5 Listen Check if I remember correctly. I think those dwarves that are coming don't look like guards. They aren't wearing the red livery that appears to be the color of this particular clan.
tensko1234 says:
looks like she reaching for her sword as she's running.
Tonic says:
perhaps the sound warned them. However I see two other possibilities. 1) those new dwarfs are breaking in. 2) the guard had partols that became excited when they noticed all the stationairy guards were bound.
Vulpis says:
And Ayne invents Dwarf Bowling... ;-)
The Last Melon says:
So what would tossing a dwarf be? Strength check to throw, and then treat it as an oversized throwing weapon?
EdorFaus: IMHO not as much capable oponents like oponents with uncommon weapons: Ayne might be good swordsman ... ehm, swordswoman, but probably never tried to block axe with sword before.
I think the "Aaagh" outcry Ayne made in last strip might be the loudest part of battle :-).
Well, not sure about dwarves, but I know halfling rogues are treated as thrown weapons with a range increment of 5' and a -4 non-proficiency penalty (unless you're proficient with exotic weapons: halfling). A conscious one can be treated as a touch weapon, but only if he or she is on your side (debatable after throwing them).
Likewise, to use an elf as a club, you take a -4 non-proficiency penalty. Elves are usually bludgeoning weapons and are considered two-handed for large creatures. Unless provided with heavy armor, an elf deals only subdual damage.
You need to know these things as a DM.
(and yes, both these questions have been relevant in games I've either been in or DMed)
Katkinkate says:
These dwarves are the ones that tied up the guards. They are probably invading or an assassination/ terrorist party and she's going to be a hero for saving the Dwarf king from death.
Issaquena says:
Mithandir: lol, I prefer not to use living weapons in gaming :)
Nebra Reppalk says:
The biggest problem I remember was literally: How do we cross the river?
We spent so much effort on that, it wasn't even funny. I ended up being tossed by a psychic across the river, hitting a tree, knocking the tree over, and then scrambling out of the way as the tree fell.
Jynx says:
Oh dear...The hardest thing I've had to cope with was the task itself. The task/quest/thingy was for 5 experienced people, and we had 2 people, both inexperienced (we had just made new characters). The hardest part of it was how to kill the 25 zombies and I came up with the idea to light them on fire *pats self on back*
The Last Melon says:
Oh, zombies. We once came across a room full of them while I was a warlock. Thing was, they didn't attack us. So I just sort of stood in the door way and uh...well, maybe "flamethrower" is the best word to use here.
I remember hearing a question about an unconscious dwarf with a Returning throwing axe in a locked gauntlet. The question was, what happens if the friendly half-orc picks up the dwarf and throws it at a group of enemies? Answer? Deals blah blah blah damage and returns to the orc's side at the beginning of the next round.
Odo says:
Beautiful fight scene and I love the way it is laid out like a path.
And while one should not throw dwarfs as a general rule, using one as a projectile weapon seems like the best way to do it.
Woulv says:
Sitara says:
EdorFaus says:
Really well done fight scene - and good way of showing that just because Ayne has a sword, doesn't mean she's very good with it when faced with capable opponents.
Oh, and nice touch with the flower on top of the layout. :)
Pulsar says:
Lee says:
Issaquena says:
Elystriana says:
Nice layout, love the little flower!
Sabreur says:
Dark Dragon says:
Nebra Reppalk says:
tensko1234 says:
Tonic says:
Vulpis says:
The Last Melon says:
hkmaly says:
I think the "Aaagh" outcry Ayne made in last strip might be the loudest part of battle :-).
Mithandir says:
Likewise, to use an elf as a club, you take a -4 non-proficiency penalty. Elves are usually bludgeoning weapons and are considered two-handed for large creatures. Unless provided with heavy armor, an elf deals only subdual damage.
You need to know these things as a DM.
(and yes, both these questions have been relevant in games I've either been in or DMed)
Katkinkate says:
Issaquena says:
Nebra Reppalk says:
We spent so much effort on that, it wasn't even funny. I ended up being tossed by a psychic across the river, hitting a tree, knocking the tree over, and then scrambling out of the way as the tree fell.
Jynx says:
The Last Melon says:
I remember hearing a question about an unconscious dwarf with a Returning throwing axe in a locked gauntlet. The question was, what happens if the friendly half-orc picks up the dwarf and throws it at a group of enemies? Answer? Deals blah blah blah damage and returns to the orc's side at the beginning of the next round.
Skreyola says:
Chariset says:
Elystriana says:
Dark Dragon says:
My biggest problem was "Your spell has bounced off the salamander and affected your comrade. He is now in love with the salamander."
TheNextTaggerung says:
With a SALAMANDER? THAT is just wrong.
But I guess that in the world of gaming, anything is possible! =)
thefieryonionofDOOOM says:
Ultrainventor says:
Alien says:
Ultrainventor says: