Non-CTS Character Art
Character drawings by Alien. Often these are characters in role playing games that we play.


Iaunonnen Thurheneb
Acolyte in training.

Waelun "Duul'sso" d'Olath'ahalii
Drow druid, dug up into Jarlsheim through a petunia bed.

Honour before Hope.
Put up without permission from his player.

A friend's character.

Ork phys-adept, Marion 'Mutilate' Fox, most happy with an uzi in one hand and a fork in the other.

Young divination apprentice, plodding through the alleys to find the safest way home.

Tarael Windshade
World of Warcraft character, night elf rogue. Drew this to use as a forum icon.

Dragon Huggles
Thamwlad hugging a dragon painted by pixies

Karande Nightblade
Kaldorei apprentice sentinel from a starting warcraft rpg.

Verrik winter witch and angsty teen

Narrat, a litorian for an Arcana Unearthed Game. Growl!

?dhelion Alagos-Barad
Dark elven monk from AJ\'s campaign of Bridge-End. Raised by elves in a monestary he\'s not your average drow.

Brandon MacWallace
My first Mechwarrior character! Human kid of 26, with his very own Marauder

Grey elven thief, glaring determinedly through a slit in the wall.

Wood elven barbarian, high up in the trees where he belongs. Thanks to Mith for the background and title.

Big bad ogre barbarian. *groarr*

Darthanen, anime elf character for BESM game.

Hanging Around
Unable to continue this one, cause of program incompatibilities. Alas. I actually liked this one.

Tiefling Rogue, from a starting campaign. Check out the mummified hand of glory!
Thank you for your kind comments, both of you.
[Yus i took the nickname from him.]
[If you never heard of him, well, he has a black cloak and cat ears + a tail...]
[And the hood is hidding the eyes whit darkness. :3]
[Also i dont think he is popular enough so you find him on google..]
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