Non-CTS Character Art
Character drawings by Alien. Often these are characters in role playing games that we play.

Lotht?riel I
Lotht?riel, first version. Female drow thief, complete with finger blades to chop purse bottoms to pieces.
Lotht?riel, first version. Female drow thief, complete with finger blades to chop purse bottoms to pieces.

Thug & Uicael
Thug, dwarven barbarian, and her slightly-more-than-friend Uicael, elven cleric. Here they're relaxing in a tavern after straining adventures. Thug is Hunter's character, put up here with permission.
Thug, dwarven barbarian, and her slightly-more-than-friend Uicael, elven cleric. Here they're relaxing in a tavern after straining adventures. Thug is Hunter's character, put up here with permission.

Halfling necromancing sorcerer, a character of Mithandir's I've drawn. His familiar is a pseudodragon.
Halfling necromancing sorcerer, a character of Mithandir's I've drawn. His familiar is a pseudodragon.

Temple Raiders
Kitty (left) and Galanodel (can be seen elsewhere too), crawling into a forgotten temple entrance to loot its treasures. Kitty is a character of lnp4668, looks based loosely on Lara Croft (copyright respective owners).
Kitty (left) and Galanodel (can be seen elsewhere too), crawling into a forgotten temple entrance to loot its treasures. Kitty is a character of lnp4668, looks based loosely on Lara Croft (copyright respective owners).

Uicael Ind Ahbain
Devotee and cleric of the great elven creator Corellon Larethian, travelling the world hoping to make things good and nice.
Devotee and cleric of the great elven creator Corellon Larethian, travelling the world hoping to make things good and nice.

Elenath?n N?niel
Oriental Adventures character, Nniel is a former ninja now apprenticing to be a ranger under Hitokiri-sama.
Oriental Adventures character, Nniel is a former ninja now apprenticing to be a ranger under Hitokiri-sama.

Cirion Angolaear
Elven pirate magus, you can be sure to hear a YARR or two in the middle of any spell cast at landlubbers.
Elven pirate magus, you can be sure to hear a YARR or two in the middle of any spell cast at landlubbers.

Half drow, half high elf, this young fellow was early thrown onto the path of petty thievery.
Half drow, half high elf, this young fellow was early thrown onto the path of petty thievery.
Thank you for your kind comments, both of you.
[Yus i took the nickname from him.]
[If you never heard of him, well, he has a black cloak and cat ears + a tail...]
[And the hood is hidding the eyes whit darkness. :3]
[Also i dont think he is popular enough so you find him on google..]
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