Creature of the day

Every day, Alien draws a random fantasy creature, picked from a big encyclopedia of such beasts.


devan ruiz 10ythose creatures are magnificently displayed in a rather extraordinarily way.

TórJeg vil gjerne se nøkken!
Indubani...please where can I buy a unicorn?
VolxtreemaI want one!!
VolxtreemaWhere did you get the encyclopedia, I want it!
hailstormyou should put some of thease in the comic
Almost as epic as my dad. :3
[Can you take a >chalk< and draw a freaking epic dragon in less than 10 sec?]

[Oh and excuse me while i kill my traductor if the word in > < is incorrect.]
AlienChalk... *shudder*
No, I don't think i can. Your dad trumps my epic :)


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