In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsHeart of Pixiegold
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageSlight delay
In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsPower Economics
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageFeiht originally wanted to use her name backwards as her alias, but Ayne convinced her that was a bad idea.
Defender of furies
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageJudge dread and the hell's pixies were unavailable because they had to judge a diving competition. Since pixies can fly, every dive takes many minutes. Longer if the diving pixie gets distracted midway and just flies off.
On monsters and safety
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageOh, these furies are kept in check by an agreement with a pixie? That's all right then. I'm sure we're all safe now.
Possessing daisies
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageLeave it to Leaf to ruin a nice DUN DUN DUN line
Bit late
In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsHow are you reading us?
In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsInconspicuous
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImagePixies are of course masters of subterfuge. Briefly.
The Dragon Tea Party Moved (plus PDF)
In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsAnd we're off
In Chasing the Sunset News - Chasing the Sunset NewsEeeeeeeeeeevil
In Strip Archive - Chapter ImageWe're back! Really! I hope.
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